Field trip

Urban field trip : Geomorphology, archaeology and risks along the Seine 

Thursday 6 February, 9:30-12:00

Free and open to all attendees to Q12 and/or the JJG.

Organised by Emmanuèle Gautier (Univ. Paris 1, LGP) and Christine Chaussé (INRAP, LGP)




Bring 2 metro tickets, warm clothes and umbrellas (depending on the weather).

Organization of the field trip (see the Metro map below):


1. Meeting point at the station Cour Saint-Emilion (metroline 14). 

Site 1 - Bercy: palaeoenvironments and past societies; modern and past docks.

2. Metro journey to the station Louvre-Rivoli

Site 2 - The Seine left riverbank: flooding risks and redevelopment of the quays. 

3-4. Metro journey from Assemblée Nationale to Front Populaire (metroline 12) for the JJG conference.



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