Dating the Quaternary evolution of NW Anatolia, insights from and comparison between luminescence, radiocarbon, U/Th and apatite (U-Th)/He methods
Mehmet Korhan Erturaç  1@  , Eren Şahiner  2@  , Azad Sağlam-Selçuk  3@  , Gürsel Sunal  4@  , Alper Gürbüz  5  , Cengiz Zabcı  6@  , Niyazi Meriç  7@  , Sumiko Tsukomato  8@  , Edwige Pons-Branchu  9@  , István Dunkl  10  
1 : Sakarya University
Department of Geography; SARGEM/MALTA, 54187 Sakarya -  Turquie
2 : Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Ankara University -  Turquie
3 : Van Yüzüncü Yıl University
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Zeve Kampusu -  Turquie
4 : Istanbul Technical University
Department of Geology, 34469, İstanbul -  Turquie
5 : Nigde, Ömer Halisdemir University
Department of Geology -  Turquie
6 : Istanbul Technical University
Department of Geology, 34357 İstanbul Turkey -  Turquie
7 : Ankara University
Institute of Nuclear Sciences -  Turquie
8 : Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics
Stilleweg 2, D-30655 Hannover, Germany -  Allemagne
9 : Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de lÉnvironnement [Gif-sur-Yvette]
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines : DRF/LSCE, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : UMR8212
Bât. 12,avenue de la Terrasse, F-91198 GIF-SUR-YVETTE CEDEX -  France
10 : Georg-August-University Göttingen

NW Anatolia to the east of the Marmara Sea compromise the western part of the Pontide Mountain Range and bounded by the North Anatolian Fault Zone to the north and Central Anatolian Plateau to the south. The region is drained by the Sakarya River where the river's main course and its tributaries respond to the tectonic uplift, climate changes and the Black Sea level.

Within this framework we have first detailed the timing and rate of mountain building and relatively dating the emplacement of the North Anatolian Fault within the region (apatite (U-Th)/He). The formation of the fluvial terrace staircases of the Sakarya River main course and major tributaries are also studied by luminescence protocols (OSL, pulsed IRSL, Post-IR-IRSL) to date the incision rate(s) also providing insights on the differential tectonic uplift since the last 200 ka. The terrestrial deposits through the Holocene starts with the fluvial response to the abrupt rise of the Black Sea (luminescence, radiocarbon and U/Th) and also reveal information on climate changes. The isolated sedimentary units reflect the timing of significant mass movements and furthermore quantify the long term horizontal slip-rate of the North Anatolian Fault.

Considering the differences in the sedimentary units, target minerals and focus geological time, we were able to model our dating results in order to isolate the rate(s) and timing(s) of the forces of the earth processes forming the region. Evaluation of the dates was possible by comparing the dating methods within the same stratigraphic unit and also by its compatibility with the Quaternary geological history of the region.

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